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Horned Owl Brewing - Kennesaw, GA
After years of working in the restaurant and beer industries, Joe Uhl decided to open a brewery in Kennesaw, Georgia. The goal was a local tasting room that directly serves the surrounding community with a place to enjoy a pint with family and friends. Instead of pursuing broad distribution, the people and restaurants around it would be the focus. Our family, friends, and neighbors would be the customer.The passage of Senate Bill 85 in September 2017 provided the ability to support a successful brewery business, and we got started. After several setbacks in finding the right location, we are moving forward with Horned Owl Brewing in Downtown Kennesaw.Why owls? It is the meaning or translation of our German last name Uhl. And, the different names with “owl” in them provide some great names and ideas for breweries and beers!
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