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AMETHYST SHOPPING! Books, Music and Art for Body, Mind and Spirit! New Age Books, Music, Art and Treasures. Akashic Records, Meditation Music, Relaxation Music, Alawashka, Visionary Art, New Age Art, Sacred Geometry, Posters, Healing Music, Spiritual Books, Meditations, For in depth psychic information contact Lumari, Psychic Consultant, Channel and Life Coach. Psychic Consultations for your Health, Prosperity, Creativity, and Success! Learn about your ancient heritage. Explore the Akashic Records. Read about the powers of gemstones in Lumari's Wisdom of Stones. Find Books and tapes for your joy and growth in the Amethyst bookstore. LEARN ABOUT ALAWASHKA AND REMEMBER THE LANGUAGE OF YOUR SOUL! Read selections Lumari's book, ALAWASHKA, Language of Creation. Great Music for meditations and spirit by Peter Bried. New Channeled messages from Divine Guides every month. Commune with the Higher realms. Receive the blessings of these spiritual messages! NEW MESSAGES FROM THE DIVINE CHANNELED BY LUMARI! Commune with the Higher realms.Schedule Professional psychic readings with Lumari to accelerate your spiritual development and maximize your personal and business success. Learn about Psychic Readings! Receive your Soul Song! Explore the Spiritual. Meet Lumari, Psychic Consultant and Life Coach. Professional psychic readings to maximize your personal and business success. Psychic Consultations for your Health, Prosperity, Creativity, and Success! Psychic Readings for personal growth, relationships, and understanding. CALL LUMARI FOR THE BEST READINGS FOR YOUR LIFE!!! Channeled messages from spirit. Consult the online Crystal Deva!
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