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Transylvanian Clusters International Week 2022
Northern Transylvania Clusters Consortium takes on the challenge of discussing, sharing and learning how to be sustainable while achieving performance. This year’s edition of TCIW will tackle the goal of striving to be competitive while also ensuring sustainability. Sustainable Business Performance is the main theme we invite you to debate during the conference. Transylvanian Clusters International Conference, powered by Northern Transylvania Cluster Consortium, is growing into a week-long event, that will merge formal meetings with informal networking, innovation camp, roundtables, factory visits, research presentations, hands-on workshops and everything else that makes sense for the growth of SMEs, entrepreneurs, academics and innovators in our clusters ecosystem.  This year, the Transylvanian Cluster International Conference will host the first Cluster Collaboration Lab (C2Lab) organised by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform on behalf of the European Commission. The C2Lab is an interactive workshop to develop project roadmaps to define solutions to the most critical disruptions in European supply chains. It is open to companies, clusters, financial providers, actors from the civil society, and other interested entities. Please note that it requires a separate registration.  So far, the sixth previous editions of the conference have gathered over 1.200 participants from business, academia, research, public administration. We had more than 200 remarkable speakers and provided over 500 opportunities for connecting entrepreneurs and innovation providers around the world, during the integrated matchmaking sessions.


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